Tag Archives: motivational

Presenting other blog posts: THINGS NO ONE WILL TELL FAT GIRLS…SO I WILL

13 Dec

This week I just wish to direct your attention to the following blog post:


Originally I had wanted to write something about geek language, but when I came across this post, I just felt the need to share it with the world. As you might have noticed, I am posting a lot about plussize issues and that’s because I feel that they still go ignored in the media most of the time. So I just wanna spread the word. And, more importantly, I really wanted to share something that really made me feel better about myself, in the hopes that the blog post would work the same magic for others.

So often fat girls are told “Eww, you are so fat”, “Go exercise”, or “You are fat, so what? Get over yourself.” Jes at the Militant Baker really makes some motivational points and so I want to share them. So read and enjoy!