Tag Archives: Cosmopolitan

Why I still read “Cosmopolitan” (without shame)

11 Oct

Today I want to venture into the world of print and talk about “Cosmopolitan” magazine, which pretty much the majority of females my age should know. Even if they have never picked up a copy in their lives, they probably have at least heard the name. Its like one of those ‘lifestyle-guru’ magazines, which promises you tips on how to lead a perfectly fashionable life, always looking great, always succeeding in your job, always finding the dream guy and always having the most amazing sex in the world. Sure, its a fantasy every woman dreams of, but how realistic is this magazine really? Especially for plus size women, like me?

So of course it doesnt take a genius to say that of course the magazine is not entirely realistic. There is no magic formula for the perfect life, no matter what the magazine offers. Yet still women love it, maybe because it at least gives you the illusion to know how to make your life perfect. Besides, I have to admit that the articles are extremely entertaining at times.

But I also have to say that they definitely arent targeted at plus size women. Occasionally the magazine covers topics specific to larger ladies, but more often than not, like most fashion magazines, it is targeted towards a group of women fitting into the smaller sizes at stores. This doesnt only apply to their fashion, but very often also to their lifestyle and flirting tricks. Maybe Im just being pessimistic, but a lot of the tricks they offer, would never work with a larger woman. Guys would probably just look at them, wondering what kind of creeps they are. Or maybe I really just havent had any luck trying those Cosmo techniques. Still, I feel that I am not really part of their desired audience.

But why do I still read it then, when it appears that I dont have many good things to say about this publication? Well, I kinda answered that already. Its entertaining. It feeds you the illusion of utmost feminine power and knowledge. It makes you think: “Yeah, I know how to look fashionable on a budget, I know the top positions in bed that make a guy go wild and I also know the top things you should not do in a friendship.” Most of these things are very common sense and we probably all knew them before even opening the magazine, but still, reading it gives you the confirmation that you know the right things. Sometimes I really find myself complaining about the magazine, yet I am still a little Cosmo addict. I follow them on twitter and I buy the magazine regularly.

I guess its the same as when you like trash TV. You know its not really good and not even targeted at you, yet you still consume it, just because its so enjoyable.
And thats, ladies (and maybe gentlemen) is why I still read Cosmo without being ashamed of it.